
The Difference

Savor Cabana’s Tempting Cuisine and Atmosphere for an Unforgettable Evening with Loved Ones in a Spectacular Ambiance!

Our live kitchen counter! let’s you understand what and how you eat. The delicious aroma you smell while waiting for your order will make you feel hungrier and curious to try out other varieties. We at Cabana strive to serve all of these with our cuisine and refreshments, which will undoubtedly fascinate you once you are in.

A once-in-a-lifetime adventure that makes you want to revisit. Enjoy a special evening meet-up with friends, family & Loved once in spectacular light-hearted ambiance.

Simplicity carried to an extreme–Palms By the Pool is well known for its serene ambiance. Sitting near the pool will always give calm vibes while enjoying the food. We at curries deliver once in a lifetime experience with authentic vegetarian and non-vegetarian cuisines, unplugged music performances, aesthetic scenes for your perfect pictures, and the sprinkles of our outstanding hospitality.

Curries make your ordinary weekend into a crazy fun blast! Whether you are casually hanging out with your friends or having family time…Palms by the Pool will always be the perfect place to check in.

Mocha is the country’s first completely indigenous and eclectic café chain, known not just for its menu, but the varied experiences it brought to 20 outlets in 18 cities to expand the cafe culture.